So, I just realized that today is “Dia Palindrome” or palindrome day in Mexico… well, not sure, but I think it’s the metric system palindrome cuz we have this format: DD/MM/YYYY – HH:MM, so today is:

21/02/2012 – 12:21… which read backwards it reads the same (thus the palindrome)…

and well, weekly update… *sigh* i fet kinda down this whole week (eventho it’s only tuesday)
reason being was cuz ive done almost nothing productive during my break (had one from friday till wednesday) and i wanted to study and get ahead, but i just did little work and almost no studying… so i hate my lazyness, but couldnt live without it…

other than that, well, it’s been a nice week… nothing much to be said… nothing relatively new really… just bored, lazy, and trying to study… *facepaw*
